Core Values

  • Bring fundamental beliefs to life
  • Drive awareness and understanding
  • Establish a system of ongoing review

Job Duties

  • Visualize individual & team performance
  • Define specific skill expectations for each role
  • Turn “upskilling” into an interactive process
  • Identify and close skill gaps
  • Document and consolidate skill best practices


  • Clarify vital attributes for effective collaboration
  • Highlight and emphasize progress towards ideal state
  • Evaluate individual and team development over time


  • Identify the most critical results for the team to pursue
  • Set time-bound guidelines for ongoing business planning
  • Simplify the process of determining focus areas

Personal Goals

  • Create an additional layer of engagement and appreciation across your team
  • Allow team members to identify their personal expressions of accomplishments and pursuits
  • Build in a process of “mutual” achievement by interweaving personal goals with business objectives


Continuous Reflection

  • Redefine Performance Reviews in a way that allows for shared dialogue and meaningful outcomes
  • Create an engaging pattern with the team that becomes a value-added part of 1-on-1 coaching
  • Utilize the outputs from other parts of the Orchestra system to generate insights and discussion points

Role Performance Metrics

  • Identify measurable targets and visualize them in an intuitive interface
  • Establish visibility to the process and results that define success
  • Align individual and team problem solving efforts

Role Library

  • Create a comprehensive database for each role in the organization
  • Define the progression of skills and duties for desired career paths
  • Provide visibility to the entire team to what to strive for

Skill Library

  • Seamless implementation to build your organization and team structure
  • Intuitive interface to define core values, job duties, and soft skills
  • Create a working plan for skill development within minutes


  • Seamless implementation to build your organization and team structure
  • Intuitive interface to define core values, job duties, and soft skills
  • Create a working plan for skill development within minutes

Coming Soon

Key Performance Indicators

  • Define performance measures and create a routine system for problem solving in relation to "Plan" vs "Actual"
  • Generate dashboard reports to enable consistent reporting across teams and groups
  • Drive visibility, accountability, and engagement around actual status and target results


  • Plan for the day with the most important activities
  • Focus in on a few specific tasks, not the many
  • Give rise to daily reflection on plan versus actual