Why you need to start using a Skill Matrix to develop your teams

Why you need to start using a Skill Matrix to develop your teams

October 12, 2020

1. Allows you to develop individuals and teams simultaneously  Despite the fact that most jobs are team-based, the majority of companies tend to take an individualized approach to training. The thought is that if every team member is trained and competent in his or her job duties, then the team as a unit will be […] Why you need to start using a Skill Matrix to develop your teams

How do I get my remote teams to communicate effectively?

How do I get my remote teams to communicate effectively?

September 28, 2020

As the number of coronavirus cases across the country surged, more and more companies began to close their brick-and-mortar offices and send their workers to work from home. For many, the transition to remote work came quickly with little time to prepare. Working with a remote team is fundamentally different from working with an in-person […] How do I get my remote teams to communicate effectively?

Top 5 ERP Implementation Challenges (and how to avoid them)

Top 5 ERP Implementation Challenges (and how to avoid them)

September 7, 2020

An ERP system has the potential to provide immense value to an organization by synchronizing and configuring all of its business processes. If implemented properly, it can give an enterprise a significant competitive advantage by saving time and reducing resources. Nevertheless, implementing a new ERP system comes with a slew of challenges. The good news […] Top 5 ERP Implementation Challenges (and how to avoid them)

How Covid-19 is Changing Customer Service

How Covid-19 is Changing Customer Service

August 10, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic is affecting every aspect of doing business. Though many business sectors are facing unprecedented challenges, Customer Service has been one of the hardest-hit. They way in which a company responds to these new challenges will directly affect sales and customer retention rates. Particularly during times of crisis, a customer’s interaction with a […] How Covid-19 is Changing Customer Service

Closing the Manufacturing Skills Gap

Closing the Manufacturing Skills Gap

July 27, 2020

As the manufacturing started to become more integrated with advanced technologies and automation, many onlookers predicted that there would be less of a need for skilled workers. In reality, this prediction could not have been further from the truth, as the digital transformation has actually amplified the need for skilled human workers. Just in the […] Closing the Manufacturing Skills Gap