Author Archives: Ben Hoseus

The Benefits of Performance Management for Businesses

Discover how performance management can help businesses improve employee productivity, increase profitability, and achieve their goals. Performance management is a crucial aspect of running a successful organization that often goes overlooked. With the right performance management systems, businesses can achieve their objectives, improve employee engagement and job satisfaction, and drive growth. This article will explore […]

The Critical Role of a Team Leader

Leading a team is no small feat. It requires unique skills, attitudes, and personality traits not commonly found in people. More importantly, building trust and establishing relationships with each team member demands time and effort. A team leader plays a crucial role in setting direction, defining goals, and ensuring the team delivers results. In this […]

People development is performance optimization.

As a business owner or manager, it’s essential to recognize that people development significantly contributes to performance optimization. Investing in your employees’ technical skills and providing growth opportunities can dramatically improve productivity and efficiency. In this article, we’ll explore the various ways in which people development can help optimize performance in the workplace. Technical Skills […]

How to Attract, Retain, and Engage Hourly Workers

Hourly workers are an essential part of many industries. However, recruiting and retaining them can sometimes be a challenge for businesses. In this article, we’ll discuss how to attract and retain hourly workers by exploring job satisfaction factors, the perceptions and priorities of shift workers, strategies to boost engagement and decrease turnover, implementing effective communication […]

Benchmarking: What it is & Why it Matters

The reality of business is that nobody is in an industry of one. Within your company’s industry and even outside of it, there are bountiful opportunities to exchange best practices and learn from the successes of others. As business leaders, it can be all too easy to put on blinders and only focus on what’s […]

Top 5 Employee Engagement Trends of 2022

2021 has undoubtedly been a challenging year for workplaces around the globe. For the majority of companies, 2021 was a year full of uncertainty and unforeseen challenges, including unprecedented rates of employee turnover, shifts between in-person and remote working conditions, and historically low levels of employee engagement. While the past year has certainly created disruptions […]

Taking the pain out of performance management: why your organization’s business objectives demand a shift in the way you view performance management

In an article for SHRM’s People + Strategy Journal, Deloitte partner Rob Massey described the traditional annual performance review process as “an investment of 1.8 million hours across the firm that didn’t fit our business needs anymore.” “Once a year,” he said, “we looked back at what people did and then created a label for […]

Why Companies Are Still Struggling With Digital Upskilling

Now more than ever, ensuring that your employees are ready for the challenges of tomorrow is one of the most critical demands in corporate learning and development. Change and unexpected disruptions are inevitable in any industry. From the introduction of a new technology to the outbreak of a global pandemic, sudden and critical changes in […]